“I recently had an opportunity to learn energizing body movements during an event.
Gina has such a fun and inspirational energy that makes you want to step out of your comfort zone.
Gina made it easy with step by step instructions. It was flirty, fun and lifted my mood.”

– Kimberly Laverdure
Business Owner of Virtual Life Alchemist, virtuallifealchemist.com

“Having my path crossed and being coached by Gina was a huge step in the direction of my best future. The way she is able to label and clarify things that seem so cloudy is such a gift. Gina is such a gift. Investing in her and her program made every corner of my life better. I can’t thank you enough Gina!”

– Alexander Chung
World Renown Dance Choreographer and Artist

“Gina absolutely took my breath away! She is the embodiment of beauty and a gift to the world onstage and off.”
– Rhonda Renée
CEO Divine Navigation

“I would recommend her for any event. She is phenomenal at what she does…she connected energetically, with great content, and a very unique style of speaking and entertaining the audience with movements that speak power that will be imprinted in peoples hearts and minds forever.”

– Stephanie Williams
CEO Stephanie Speaks

Are you ready
to get your audience up on their feet!?

Gina is passionate about empowering her audiences
and high achieving clients with her step-by-step systems
so they can easily implement and perform with ease and confidence.

Gina has the rare gift of exquisitely guiding you to access your deepest truths. Her supportive and direct way of communicating allows you to take an honest look at your current situation and establish a path to reach the goals your heart most desires”

– Maja Magnusson
CEO of leadership Cadence.

“Gina’s presentation is engaging, fun and transformational.
I was completely wowed.
So much so, I knew she had to be part of my next event!
Highly recommend!”

– AmondaRose Igoe
6 Figure Empowered Event


Your heart – centered,
high achieving audiences

 know exactly what it feels like to be
highly productive, highly-creative, highly sensitive
and still feel…

Insecure, and struggling with their confidence.

Burned out and constantly stressed, feeling overwhelmed.

Emotionally exhausted and in work mode 24/7.

Unsure, unclear, and uncertain of how to easily and quickly make decisions.

Feeling isolated and disconnected from their personal joy while  constantly being busy.

Worried about what others think of them no matter how many achievements they have.

Is this connecting with you and your event attendees?

What People Say

“I recently had an opportunity to learn energizing body movements during an event.
Gina has such a fun and inspirational energy that makes you want to step out of your comfort zone.
Gina made it easy with step by step instructions. It was flirty, fun and lifted my mood.”

– Kimberly Laverdure
Business Owner of Virtual Life Alchemist, virtuallifealchemist.com

“Having my path crossed and being coached by Gina was a huge step in the direction of my best future. The way she is able to label and clarify things that seem so cloudy is such a gift. Gina is such a gift. Investing in her and her program made every corner of my life better. I can’t thank you enough Gina!”

– Alexander Chung
World Renown Dance Choreographer and Artist

“Gina absolutely took my breath away! She is the embodiment of beauty and a gift to the world onstage and off.”
– Rhonda Renée
CEO Divine Navigation

“I would recommend her for any event. She is phenomenal at what she does…she connected energetically, with great content, and a very unique style of speaking and entertaining the audience with movements that speak power that will be imprinted in peoples hearts and minds forever.”

– Stephanie Williams
CEO Stephanie Speaks

Imagine What your audiences life will feel like if they knew exactly how to easily and effortlessly …

 Listen to their


and choose what is best for their bodies, instead of what others are telling them to choose.

Connect with their choice of


so they can easily gain clarity on the exact steps they need to take RIGHT NOW to conquer their dreams!

Raise their


so they are confident and easily experiencing more joy, more freedom and more abundance every day.

Create a life with an


so they can transform the feelings that keep them stuck and stressed out to feelings that lift them up.



so they have the energy and ability to create and attract abundance – including health, career, relationships, and money.

Amp up their


so they can easily let go of judgements and expectations that lead to self sabotage and turn their pain into purposeful propsperity.

Are you ready to take your dancer wellness quiz?!

Empowering Dancers

Your Dance Passion Matters

Get your invitation now for your

First Free Class!