"Awareness is a key to live without judgment."
What if anything and everything that happened to you, for you, about you, etc. was an "awareness?"
Things like failing, succeeding, learning new skills, feedback, your bodies messages, people coming in and out of our life, winning, losing, an A, a C, your car not starting, making money, not making money, injury, love, creating the life you desire, your children, a new friend, a new job, dis-ease in your body, peace, etc...were all awareness for you and not against you?
What if you were to see it as simple as an "awareness?"
Well what is `awareness?`
Awareness is consciousness, appreciation, acknowledgment, mindfulness, attention, recognition..( All the things we as humans desire)
It is is the ability to be conscious of....`present.`
Maybe you have heard people wanting to raise the consciousness of the planet..( meaning bring people present to what`s going on)
Perhaps you have heard, someone say `be present.` ( meaning be here and now.)
Or maybe someone asked you "Are you aware?" or "Are you here?" ( meaning do you see what I see.)
Well, when I had a near-death experience in 2021 in my home and fell unconsciously to the floor, what woke me up was the question my soul lover David had asked me.
" Are you here?" " Are you here?"
I awakened immediately and answered, " Yes, I am here , I am here."
You see, my heart had stopped for a couple of seconds and I had a choice (full story may come later.) But, this was not the first time my heart had stopped or felt unfulfilled or felt unseen and unheard. I remember this exact awareness in 2009,when I was a Rockette ( Ego Job , not Soul Job) and was hit unconsciously to the floor and chose to awaken to "be here, in awareness, in consciousness.. in the now, following what my heart really really wanted.
Are you following me? ( I do not mean following me on Instagram , I mean following the message here?)
"Awareness is a key to live without judgment"( aka fear) so you can live here and now, in the present, in love, in peace, in harmony, in happiness.
( keep reading in comments)