Dear Dancing Soul, 

You have been hand selected into 

The peroettes personal development program led by Miss Gina Pero this season. 

What does this Mean!?. 

Watch Below and 

then schedule your call with Gina ASAP!

you are a heart centered leader, who wants to become the best version of themselves. You have a willingness to learn and a drive to succeed. Dance is a pathway connected to your soul.  You are ready to expand your confidence and reach for your dreams! 

Check out our program Promo Below!

I am so excited to meet you!!

This program is exactly for you and your high achieving mindset . It is essential for your talents and gifts to be seen and heard for what they can contribute to you and the world. 
YOU have a gift and its your time to shine, someone has invited you to turn your light up!!

“I would recommend The Peroettes because it shapes an inner leader and presents for others to be inspired by to make change in the world. You learn true life skills that are necessary to be 100% energetic each day. You also meet other leaders who think similar to you. 

Before I was very shy when it came to meeting new friends or simply texting someone to meet up and talk. I would also get burned out from putting in over 100% and would feel a sense of anger when I didn’t achieve something right away.
Now I have found joy in doing the simple things like smiling when needed or complementing a person. I have also found myself being more communicative which was a goal I’ve been heading towards. I feel confident.”

– Olivia Battle


To Educate, Connect, and Inspire Heart-centered, Purpose Driven, Highly Creative Achievers and Performers connect to their present self and divine source of creation, so they can turn their light up in the world.


To create a safe and open space for highly creative achievers to feel seen, heard, and loved for who they are today, so the world can receive their artistic expression in raising the vibration and consciousness of the planet.


To stand for the beauty
within and turn self-abuse into self appreciation, comparison into originality, isolation into community and uncertainty into divine trust and soul alignment.