“Gina inspires.
She awakens the soul,
and connects us to our humanity”

“Gina inspires.
She awakens the soul,
and connects us to our humanity”

Inspire Your Teams & Ignite Their Spirits

Gina’s empowering motivational talks are designed for organizationals of all sizes and industries. Whether you are looking to inspire a team of business professionals, athletes or artists, Gina’s talks are meant to connect to HIGH PERFORMING ACHIEVERS.

Learn how to create a clear and confident “customized” soul aligned approach resulting in an abundance of more ease, joy and success.

2024 Keynote Topics
Leave your audience with a gift of inspiration and a set of tools that will serve them for a lifetime.

Claim Your Confidence Now

Peak Performers: Using your Intuition for Impactful Results

Mind & Body Activation

Reviving Your Spirit

Creating Communication that ???

It’s a We(eeee) Thing

Claim Your Confidence Now

Confidence amongst individuals and team…

When you body is exhausted, dehydrated and tired, negative thoughts can more easily creep in impacting small decisions that can lead to even bigger impacts in one’s personal and professional life. In Gina’s session, “Claim Your Confidence Now”, your teams will learn to navigate negative thoughts that often take over in times of high stress. Learn as a group how to build awareness and change one step at a time.
Your teams will walk away with…
A reframing around the topic of confidence 6 essential confidence boosting skills that can be used for a lifetime Tools they can use in their personal and professional lives to drive their greatest growth opportunities. Laughter and Inspiration

Confidence is the
workplace is key.

According to a recent Gallup research, less than half (49%) of employees currently working to build their career are “very confident” that they can reach the highest level of position they wish to reach at their current workplace.

Building confidence is both an employee’s journey and an employer’s opportunity. Let’s work together to build the bridge.

Peak Performers: Using Your Intuition for Impactful Results
Keynote Description:

Embracing your intuition for impactful – they will walk away with knowing exactly what intuition is., why is is important to honor it and listen, they will know their intuitive style, how to communicate it, use my 5 step formula to help you better communicate with those around you and honor your core values.

Your teams will walk away with…

What do you want from your staff? How to Learn the Three sentence communication formula that helps people communicate effectively and fast.
Unification occurs when Gina helps them understand their communication styles
Language that fits the companies vision. In corporate it gets to stop.
Missions that matter. Building conscious guidelines that fit your audience

Mind and Body Activation
Keynote Description:

Your teams will walk away with…

What do you want from your staff? How to Learn the Three sentence communication formula that helps people communicate effectively and fast.
Unification occurs when Gina helps them understand their communication styles
Language that fits the companies vision. In corporate it gets to stop.
Missions that matter. Building conscious guidelines that fit your audience

Reviving Your Spirit
Keynote Description:

Your teams will walk away with…

Creating Communication that
Keynote Description:

Your teams will walk away with…

It’s a WE(eeee) Thing
Keynote Description:

Your teams will walk away with…

Career Highlights
My Story


It is my joy to guide my incredible clients to choreograph their business or personal lives into a present, purposeful and passionate lifestyle. Whether my clients are looking to train or motivate their staff or themselves, I’m here to help get them to that next level of their own “knowing”.

As for me, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada with my soul partner Dr. David Stella. We are enjoying our Golden Path together in ease, joy, grace and fun.

Adversity can make us stronger…

My journey started as a young performer – age 4 in Batavia, NY. Dance was where I felt my light shined the brightest and my heart felt the fullest. It is also where I learned to dig deep as an artist and athlete and find the tenacity to overcome the first set of personal adversities.


At age 12, I was diagnosed with scoliosis and was told I would likely never dance professionally. For 5 years, I wore a back brace for 16 hours a day. Through patience, parental support, tenacity and dedication to my dream, my body responded and enabled my next steps in college.


Fueled with a BFA from State University of New York, Buffalo, I took my passion to the professional arena performing on various stages worldwide.


My love for the stage transitioned into new opportunities on a different type of stage – the fashion runway. At only 5’5″ and having previously dealt with body issue from scoliosis, modeling was something I never could have imagined. With the ability to learn choreography quickly, I was soon invited to walk again and again.


In 2007, I moved to NYC and continued to pursue my career as a professional dancer. After auditioning once for the Radio City Rockettes, I was hired. On opening night of the 75th Anniversary Season, I was supported by 60 family members in the audience. My career with The Rockettes taught me the importance of being part of a team. I had no idea when I started that it would also teach me much more. Adversity presented itself again, when I was struck in the head during a performance suffering a major brain injury. This challenge would later be the “awakening” of a lifetime. It forced me to look inward and completely surrender in making brain health the most important.

Reach out to turn up

your Light.

To see more of my work, visit my socials:


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